5 Steps to Reduce Tech-Based Stress

Technology can help you connect with more people, but it can also create stress. Tech-based stress can affect your health and relationships. Many people find it hard to turn off their phones or stop checking messages. Dependence on technology can become an addiction. 

In this fast-paced world, using tech is often a must. But what can you do to stop the stress that comes from it? 

Try this process:   

1. Notice the issues. The first step is to realize how much you depend on technology and determine whatexactly, is causing the stress. 

  • Pay attention to your stress triggers when you’re using technology. Do you get upset after each text message or email? Is social media creating a fear of missing out? 
  • Track how much technology you use for one week. Many smartphones do this for you automatically. Pay attention to how you are feeling with each piece of technology you use. 

2. Make a list of your tech tools. Once you’ve realized that tech stress is an issue, making a list of all the tools you use can help you regain control. 

  • Write down every piece of technology you use, including fitness watches and other tracking tools. The list needs to be accurate and complete. 
  • Next, write down how each piece of technology affects you positively or negatively. Make particular note of the amount of stress each device creates in your life. 
  • You may use several tools and devices for work. Highlight the ones that you can’t live without.
  • Cross the devices that are not essential off the list and put them aside. 

3. Clean up your connections. Go through all of your social media accounts and inboxes to disconnect with people who cause you additional stress.  

  • Try to keep a smaller list of close contacts such as friends, coworkers, and family. 
  • Turn off notifications and get rid of unnecessary subscriptions.
  • Clean out your email inboxes and eliminate old messages or contacts that are not needed. Consider setting up automated apps that can sort emails and delete them faster.  

4. Make a plan. Use your list to focus only on the devices and tools that are essential. 

  • Have a plan each time you turn on a computer or phone. What do you want to accomplish, and how long will you need to do it? Try to avoid distractions by planning your time. 
  • Turn off and put away any devices that aren’t essential.
  • Include time away from technology, such as a weekend without tech or TV. 

5. Create reasonable expectations. If you’re addicted to checking your messages every hour, it will take more time to reduce tech-based stress. It’s important to have realistic expectations and avoid putting too much pressure on yourself to change fast.  

  • Give yourself the chance to work through each of these steps. 
  • Inform your family and friends about your technology changes. They need to understand you’ll be available less on social media. They also need to respect that you’re turning off some notifications to reduce stress.
  • Set up away messages on your phone and email so others will know when they can reach you. Create specific windows of time to return calls or messages.  

Pay attention to how technology affects you. Evaluating how much you depend on tech tools and making some changes in your daily routines with these tools can give you a better sense of control and reduce your stress.