10 Effective Time Management Exercises

Did you know that your use of time can actually make or break you? You can either get more done in less time or less done in far more time than it’s worth!

If you struggle with managing your time, perhaps it’s time to take a look at some of these tips. However, bear in mind, the truth is, there are no pre-set time management rules. What works for your friends, may not work for you, and vice versa.

Consider these exercises while you build your time management skills:

  1. Close your door and turn off the phone. If you have an important task at hand, it’s crucial that you avoid unwanted interruptions. Being alone can surely help you to clear your head. This may be difficult but if you have Internet access, resist the urge to go online to websites like Twitter, Tiktok, or Facebook.
  1. Have a place for common items. At home, place items like your keys and wallet in the same place so the next time you go out, there will be no time wasted locating for them.
  1. Change your behavior. If you’ve identified a certain behavior that’s counterproductive to your time management, take steps to correct this behavior.
  • For instance, if you always take extra hours for lunch, make it a point to set a timer so you can return to your duties on time.
  1. Minimize and organize your documents. Even though a lot of information is digital these days, you don’t have to keep every email, file, or document on your desktop.
  • Delete unnecessary files, organize them in folders, and only keep documents that you’re actively using at your fingertips.
  1. Estimate your time. Whether you’re doing a work assignment or doing something fun, plan in advance how long you think it will take. As long as you aware of the time, you won’t suddenly lose precious hours without realizing it.
  1. Less planning, more action. Do you often find yourself thinking about what you have yet to do? Simply thinking about the future won’t get you anywhere.
  • Strive to live in the “now” and take action to finish your tasks.
  1. Avoid procrastination. For most people, procrastination is difficult to do! When you keep setting aside something that you need to do, you tend to spend more time thinking about the fact that you have to do it when you could have already completed the task.
  • Stop making excuses! Work up the willpower to do the things you hate to do! Once you accomplished it, you will strengthen your resolve and build momentum.
    1. Set objectives. Setting goals is one of the most important parts of any plan. When you’re working, it’s far easier to monitor your progress and complete your task more efficiently if you have a specific objective to achieve.
  1. Reward yourself. Make a vow to reward yourself for a job well done. A reward will motivate you to get through the tougher tasks and avoid procrastination. 
  • It’s important to have some fun in life!
  1. Take breaks. It’s important to be self-disciplined, although you don’t need to overdo it and burn out. Mental breaks will actually boost your productivity because your mind has an opportunity to reflect, rejuvenate, and repair itself subconsciously.
  • Schedule frequent 10-minute breaks to clear your mind.

Final Advice 

The most important thing to keep in mind about time management is to find something that works for you personally. Start to pay attention to your habits and decisions so you can better identify when you feel tempted to waste time and procrastinate.

Just be sure to keep taking that extra steps in the right direction and you’ll soon defeat the time wasters that have kept you from success a long time ago!