Six Tips for Cultivating Major Donors

  1. Cultivate prospects.
    Ask members of your organization to reach out to potential donors in their social circles.
  2. Extend invitations to visit.
    Give donors opportunities to come to your organization and see your programs in action.
  3. Be patient.
    It takes time to get to know major donors’ interests and to learn what motivates them to give.
  4. Be ready.
    If a major donor reaches out, respond right away. Be available to meet whenever and wherever they suggest.
  5. Accept “no” gracefully.
    Doing so will allow the relationship to continue and let you approach the same prospect again down the road.
  6. Stay in touch.
    A donor relationship shouldn’t end after their gift is received or even if one is not made. Lifelong donors are developed by showing them, year after year, how your organization has flourished or could flourish because of their generosity. Let them know how your mission and programs are aligned with what they care about.

How to Find More Donors Masterclass covers much more in detail.