The Truth About Media Multitasking: Protecting Your Brain in a Digital Age
The media multitasking is the challenge of juggling multiple tasks. Effective planning is vital for reducing the effects of multitasking.
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The media multitasking is the challenge of juggling multiple tasks. Effective planning is vital for reducing the effects of multitasking.
I’m happily married. And thank God for that—because the dating scene is a jungle, and I was never Tarzan. I’m more of a nerd—always have
Whether you work in a cozy cubicle or in a huge room of an office, what you do with it and how you feel about
When your workday is done, do you still carry much of the stress of your work with you into your off-work hours? Whether you work
In every major gifts operation there are a few key factors that will either foster success or precipitate repeated frustration. In this brief, light, and digestible rant, I will define emotional intelligence and the role it plays in several aspects of successful major gifts management.
Is your charity the nonprofit version of The Titanic? It could be if you don’t have a planned giving program. We all know that finding and maintaining sources of funding is a constant challenge. But too many nonprofits focus their time and energy entirely on annual donations. Their fundraisers dodge crisis after crisis, caught in a never-ending storm of annual appeals that just manage to keep the boat afloat.
Endless texts, tweets, emails, calls, chats, IMs, Facebook updates… A barely digested cacophony of overwhelmingly irrelevant mind-trash, all uncontrolled by you, all buzzing and vibrating and robbing you of the attention you need to get your work done.
When we talk about nonprofit communications, we’re talking about all the different ways to communicate with your donors through the written word: newsletters (both snail mail and e-mail), your website, social media, fundraising letters, e-mail appeals, and everything in between. These types of donor communications are essential to your fundraising program and can be used across all phases of the donor funnel.
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