Give and Take

TikTok And Social Media

Viral Non-Profits: TikTok Fundraising Strategy

There is a misconception floating around the internet that TikTok is an app for dancing teenagers. While the platform gained popularity with Gen Z quite quickly, like all social media platforms, its user base has evolved. It has rapidly become one of the fastest-growing apps in the world, and it has proven itself to be one of the most powerful marketing tools of our time. 

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Eagle Flying Depicting Major Gifts
Fundraising Strategy
Viken Mikaelian

How To Excel in Major Gifts

Major Gifts Officer (MGO) careers are a hot pick for anyone looking to actively work with non-profits. This role allows you to make an impact, connect with people, and aid in the financial longevity of a cause that you believe in. This is an exceptionally hands-on, people-facing career that can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time. And yes, most jobs pay well, too.

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Fundraising Strategy
Viken Mikaelian

Are You a “Fingers Crossed” Marketer?

Are you a “hopeful” marketer? The kind of person whose entire marketing strategy consists of crossing your fingers, sending out an occasional mailer and hoping you get a few responses? Well, I hope this post shows you the error of your ways.

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