Give and Take

Bitcoin Depiction of US Dollar
Fundraising Strategy
Viken Mikaelian

Cryptocurrency: The Next Gifting Frontier

Cryptocurrency—crypto for short—is a blanket term that covers a wide array of digital currencies that can be used to buy goods and services just like cash. Read on to find out how nonprofits can harness the power of crypto to further their organization’s mission.

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People grouped together on a background showing a checkmark and success
For Donors
Viken Mikaelian

Major Gift Solicitation Basics

Major gift solicitation is an art that can make or break your fundraising goals. This guide can help you increase your chances of receiving a major donation. 

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Change Your Life
Goal Setting
Viken Mikaelian

Change Your Life in Just 6 Months

What can you accomplish in six months? Take a guess and see if you’re right! You can do a lot in six months. Read on to find out how you can accomplish more in the next six months than you have in the last five years.

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Nonprofit Donors Social Special Event
For Donors
Viken Mikaelian

How To Plan Major Donor Events

Major donor events can be a dynamic tool in your fundraising toolbox. Use this guide to help plan a successful event and skyrocket your donations. 

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CEO Board Room
Viken Mikaelian

What It Takes to Become the CEO

Are you willing to give up weekends? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to work 7 days a week and often give up family life? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to work 16 hours a day and say no to happy hours? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to sacrifice family, friends, hobbies, and recreations? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to risk time, energy and your money to succeed? Aspiring CEO’s are.

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