Give and Take

Female fundraiser interviewing older donor couple
Patrick O'Donnell

Sample Questions to Ask Donors

Here’s a list of 31 sample questions you can adapt to your own interviews with donors. Remember, you need to ask a quality question to get a quality answer.

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Empty shoes depicting missing deadbeat donor
Viken Mikaelian

Dealing With the Donor Who does Not Show Up

Congratulations! You secured the biggest donation of your career! Your passionate presentation aligned perfectly with the donor’s desire to do some good. But a month later, your cheesy grin has melted. Deidre hasn’t paid up.

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Nostalgia Marketing Old TV and Microphone
Fundraising Strategy
Patrick O'Donnell

Nostalgia Marketing

Nostalgia marketing is effective, hot, and here to stay. Learn how non-profits can use this type of marketing to promote their giving programs.

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Missing Spouse
Fundraising Strategy
Lisa Hillman

The Case of the Missing Spouse

Married couples – and attached people in general – make giving decisions together. A recent survey finds that giving “together” is a shared activity many couples enjoy. So why would a fundraiser forget to include the spouse in a gift request?

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Female Fundraiser With Donor Discussing Stock Investments
Camilyn Leone

Kitchen Drawer Philanthropists

I visited Frank many times while I worked for the Children’s’ Museum. Each time I saw him, we sat in the kitchen, talked about the museum. Then, he would reach over and open that kitchen drawer and pull out a beautifully engraved stock certificate. I would carefully carry this gift back to the museum and turn it into a charitable gift annuity.

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