Give and Take

Interruptions Tweets Social Media
Personal Development
Viken Mikaelian

Workus Interruptus

Endless texts, tweets, emails, calls, chats, IMs, Facebook updates… A barely digested cacophony of overwhelmingly irrelevant mind-trash, all uncontrolled by you, all buzzing and vibrating and robbing you of the attention you need to get your work done.

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Building with communication
For Donors
Joe Garecht

How to Use Your Nonprofit Communications to Build a Better Donor Funnel

When we talk about nonprofit communications, we’re talking about all the different ways to communicate with your donors through the written word: newsletters (both snail mail and e-mail), your website, social media, fundraising letters, e-mail appeals, and everything in between. These types of donor communications are essential to your fundraising program and can be used across all phases of the donor funnel.

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