Give and Take

identifying your role as a nonprofit volunteer
Nonprofit Leadership
Staff Member

The Role of the Nonprofit Volunteer Coordinator

No matter the size of a nonprofit organization, the role of its volunteer coordinator cannot be overlooked. As organizations continue to rely heavily on volunteerism as a means of raising funds, the nonprofit volunteer coordinator plays an essential part in the success of the organization.  

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Silhouette of two hands negotiating
Fundraising Strategy
Viken Mikaelian

The Link Between Negotiation, Sales, and Fundraising

Your days are full of negotiations, one after another. Some are small, like persuading your kid to eat a little breakfast before school. Some are bigger, like getting your team on board with the idea you want to pitch to your boss. And some are bigger, like buying a house or asking for a promotion. Life is all about negotiation — and negotiation is happening all the time.

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"Forget about It" word callout
Planned Giving
Viken Mikaelian

There’s a Crisis Brewing

Forget what you’ve heard about planned giving. Just do the math. Baby Boomers, who are among the wealthiest and most charitable Americans, are dying at a rate of about 6,000 a day.

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Illustrating procrastination: clock is a time bomb with two people running away from it
Personal Development
Viken Mikaelian

Successfully Manage Procrastination

Getting your tasks accomplished right on time is a good sign that you have full control over yourself and your life. You’ll enjoy the feeling of having more control over your life! You’ll be free from that familiar chaos that follows each time a deadline looms, much more if you finish a task late.

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Clock with a sticky note on it that says "later" depicting procrastination.
Time Management
Viken Mikaelian

Still Putting Things Off? Try These Tips to Get Them Done

Are you one who finds yourself putting off today’s tasks until the last minute? Perhaps you’re waiting for the right mood to strike. Or you’re afraid of failure, or you find the work stressful or boring. Which one are you? Whichever is your reason, you can find a way out of this negative cycle!

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