Seven Simple Tips to Stay on Task
Staying on tasks requires focus and efficiency. Maintaining a balanced work-life routines enhance focus, ultimately lead to goal achievement.
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Planned Giving Boot Camp
4 days in the trenches: It’s intense, it’s effective. We’ve been perfecting it for 20 years.
New! Major Gifts Boot Camp
Identify, engage, inspire major donors to give.
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Staying on tasks requires focus and efficiency. Maintaining a balanced work-life routines enhance focus, ultimately lead to goal achievement.
What are major gifts, anyway? If you are new to fundraising, understanding major gifts is a fundamental part of success.
Learn how to fight fear and follow through so you can start creating the future you desire.
Develop good listening skills: You’ll close on more and bigger gifts; climb the success ladder; enjoy immense time management skills; and acquire much better relationships and outcomes in your personal and professional life.
Will the donor know whether you attended their funeral? Probably not … but we think it’s important to attend. Here’s why.
Cryptocurrency—crypto for short—is a blanket term that covers a wide array of digital currencies that can be used to buy goods and services just like cash. Read on to find out how nonprofits can harness the power of crypto to further their organization’s mission.
Major gift solicitation is an art that can make or break your fundraising goals. This guide can help you increase your chances of receiving a major donation.
What can you accomplish in six months? Take a guess and see if you’re right! You can do a lot in six months. Read on to find out how you can accomplish more in the next six months than you have in the last five years.
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