Major Donor Fundraising Jobs: How to Land a Career in Major Gifts
Major donor fundraising jobs are becoming increasingly popular for a workforce that is looking to make an impact in their career.
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Home » Career Change
Home » Career Change
Major donor fundraising jobs are becoming increasingly popular for a workforce that is looking to make an impact in their career.
We spend more of our day with our boss and coworkers than we do with our spouse and children. Yet, we spend far less time choosing coworkers than we do our spouse. We date our sweetheart months or years before we marry. The hiring process is often like a first date, or even a blind date. Everyone is dressed in their finest clothing. We are smiling and aware of every detail.
There was a time in my life where I was a micromanager. It was bad. I would go so far as to instruct a team
Hiring a major gifts manager can skyrocket major gifts officer retention and battle high turnover rates.
Learn how to fight fear and follow through so you can start creating the future you desire.
Throughout my years of study in marketing, sociology and anthropology, I‘ve come to conclude that as a species we are basically tribal in nature. It can take the form of political, religious, racial, sexual, economic, nationalistic, educational and many other forms of tribalism and can either divide us or connect us.
The non-profit CEO job description encompasses many different responsibilities. Read further for a detailed description of what it takes to grow and thrive in this high-level position in the non-profit sector.
When you’ve been working in the philanthropy field as long as I have, you hear some of the same questions over and over. One of them is, “why work for a nonprofit?” It’s a good question. Working for a nonprofit isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. There’s a lot of turnover. There’s a misleading impression that it’s low-paying work. And it can mean long hours.
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