Give and Take

Illustrating procrastination: clock is a time bomb with two people running away from it
Personal Development
Viken Mikaelian

Successfully Manage Procrastination

Getting your tasks accomplished right on time is a good sign that you have full control over yourself and your life. You’ll enjoy the feeling of having more control over your life! You’ll be free from that familiar chaos that follows each time a deadline looms, much more if you finish a task late.

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Executive placing open laptop over her head and hiding from the world
Personal Development
Viken Mikaelian

Stop Hurrying and Start Living

If you’re not getting enough things done on your to-do list, you’re not alone. It’s common to feel a little overwhelmed, rushed, and even guilty when you’re unable to get everything done each day.  It becomes very challenging to stay focused.

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Clock with a sticky note on it that says "later" depicting procrastination.
Time Management
Viken Mikaelian

Still Putting Things Off? Try These Tips to Get Them Done

Are you one who finds yourself putting off today’s tasks until the last minute? Perhaps you’re waiting for the right mood to strike. Or you’re afraid of failure, or you find the work stressful or boring. Which one are you? Whichever is your reason, you can find a way out of this negative cycle!

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Man relaxing on chair with feet on a large clock. Illustration depicting procrastination.
Sarah Pinto

Overcoming Procrastination – 5 Tips for Getting Things Done

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? What? Wait a minute!  That’s not how the saying goes. Are you a procrastinator? If you are, then that saying is yours. However, there are several possible reasons why you procrastinate. There are also some consequences when you procrastinate. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can use to overcome procrastination.

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Viken Mikaelian

Organize Your Life a Little Each Day

Do you have a feeling of despair at the mess in your home or office? Perhaps you’re not even dealing with a mess. You might have things fairly tidy, but maybe you can’t find a single thing when you’re looking for it when you need it.

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