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Blended Gifts
Viken Mikaelian

Blended Gifts in a Capital Campaign. Where Do They Fit In? 

Blended gifts are growing in popularity. Development pros are beginning to understand how a blended gift can fulfill a donor’s aspirational giving, allowing them to make a much larger gift than they had imagined possible. The current economic climate has resulted in more cautious giving. Donors are taking their time making a large outright gift, which is why using blended gifts during a campaign can be a successful strategy.

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Blended Gifts
Blended Gifts
Viken Mikaelian

Blended Gifts in a Capital Campaign—Where Do They Fit In?

Is your nonprofit counting blended gifts toward your capital campaign goal? If it isn’t, you’re likely missing the boat with countless potential donors. Learn why blended gifts are key to crushing your campaign goals during a time of donor uncertainty.

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