The Perils of Public Speaking
Being a presenter or speaker is always a challenge. You do not know how the audience is going to respond, and projecting confidence while keeping a good sense of humor is paramount.
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Planned Giving Boot Camp
4 days in the trenches: It’s intense, it’s effective. We’ve been perfecting it for 20 years.
New! Major Gifts Boot Camp
Identify, engage, inspire major donors to give.
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Educational Resources
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Planned Giving Boot Camp
4 days in the trenches: It’s intense, it’s effective. We’ve been perfecting it for 20 years.
New! Major Gifts Boot Camp
Identify, engage, inspire major donors to give.
For professional Gift Planners
Giving Magazine
Why subscribe? Because success is exclusive
Being a presenter or speaker is always a challenge. You do not know how the audience is going to respond, and projecting confidence while keeping a good sense of humor is paramount.
There was a time in my life where I was a micromanager. It was bad. I would go so far as to instruct a team
Major donor fundraising jobs are becoming increasingly popular for a workforce that is looking to make an impact in their career.
Major Gifts Officer (MGO) careers are a hot pick for anyone looking to actively work with non-profits. This role allows you to make an impact, connect with people, and aid in the financial longevity of a cause that you believe in. This is an exceptionally hands-on, people-facing career that can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time. And yes, most jobs pay well, too.
Learn how to fight fear and follow through so you can start creating the future you desire.
Develop good listening skills: You’ll close on more and bigger gifts; climb the success ladder; enjoy immense time management skills; and acquire much better relationships and outcomes in your personal and professional life.
Major gift solicitation is an art that can make or break your fundraising goals. This guide can help you increase your chances of receiving a major donation.
Are you willing to give up weekends? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to work 7 days a week and often give up family life? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to work 16 hours a day and say no to happy hours? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to sacrifice family, friends, hobbies, and recreations? Aspiring CEO’s are. Are you willing to risk time, energy and your money to succeed? Aspiring CEO’s are.
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3 days in the trenches: It’s intense, it’s effective. We’ve been perfecting it for 20 years.
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