What’s Your Fundraising I.Q.?

Take the Test.

Do you have what it takes to become a major gifts officer? Do you know your way around a planned giving program? Find out with our exclusive Philanthropy IQ Tests. To pass either, you’ll need a combination of common sense and industry expertise.

(P.S. If you’re in management, these are an excellent way to keep your team on their toes.)


Major Gifts I.Q.

Major gifts officers have demanding jobs. That’s why there’s such a high turnover rate in our industry. We are on a mission to change that — and we’re going to help you succeed in the process. Whether you’re looking for a new position or already work in a development shop, you need to be on top of your game. Search firms and hiring managers will be asking tough questions — and if you get the job, so will the donors.

Find out which answers you know, which you don’t, and whether you’re prepared to take the next step on the path toward your future.

Be forewarned: You’ll need to score at least 88% to pass this one.

Planned Giving I.Q.

A planned giving program is a must for your charity’s success — and a knowledge of how planned giving works is a must to land more and larger gifts. See our Boot Camp.

Whether you’re a gifts officer, board member, or the new intern, you’re a representative of your nonprofit’s planned giving program. That means you should at least know enough to point a prospect in the right direction.

Find out what you know, what you don’t, and how you and your nonprofit can grow.

You’re allowed 70% to pass this one.

To enjoy all the benefits of taking these tests, you need to be registered.

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Note: At the end of each test, you’ll learn your score, find out where you stand among your peers (ranked by percentage only), and see detailed answers to the questions.

We adhere to a strict privacy polincy and wo’t share your information with anyone.

Author:Benjamin R. CaseChief Executive OfficerFocused On Fundraising, Inc.

Review Board:Jerry LinzyExecutive Partner EmeritusJerold Panas, Linzy & PartnersStuart SullivanSenior Vice PresidentGraham-PeltonAlan TaylorAssistant Vice Chancellor for Principal GiftsNorth Carolina State UniversityViken MikaelianCEOMajor Gifts LLC

Authors: Viken MikaelianJohn FosterScott JanneyBrian Sagrestano

Review Board:Camilyn LeoneUniversity of VirginiaSchool of LawScott JanneyDirector of Planned GivingThe Salvation Army

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You’ll need 88% to pass!
Every planned gift is a major gift. Get educated today.