Gift Planning for Old Curmudgeons and Proud Grandparents with Stock Certificates

Old Stock Certificates

In our youth obsessed culture, it’s easy to forget about old people.

Now that people are getting vaccinated, and we are getting handle on the coronavirus, have you noticed that older people are grocery shopping and so happy to be getting out of the house?

You are going to see old people at your charity events again! If you see someone in an “Old Curmudgeon” or “Old Fart” hat, you know that this person is perfectly comfortable with their age. If you see someone in a “Proud Grandma” or “Proud Grandpa” sweatshirt, you know this person cares about their grandkids and doesn’t mind being of the “older generation.”

So, what do you talk about when they are ready to engage in a gift planning conversation?


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Old People Often Have Old Things

Old furniture, old jewelry, old stuff.

And… old investments.

Old investments are often represented by old stock certificates. Yep, beautiful pieces of paper that represent ownership in companies. A stock certificate shows the corporate seal, the number of shares outstanding, the number owned by your donor and a corporate signature. People still keep these documents in safe deposit boxes, home safes, file cabinets, and even kitchen drawers. The stock certificates sit there until your donor decides to redeem them or give them away. Wealth used to be piles of stock certificates. Sure, some older donors have given these stock certificates to their broker or financial advisor to convert to electronic records. But if you see someone who is proud enough of their age to wear “Old Curmudgeon” or “Proud Grandma” clothing, they are going to be proud enough to show you some “Old Paper Stock Certificates.”

Then, some philanthropic magic can happen. You can tell the proud grandma and the old curmudgeon all the possible ways to make new gifts from old stock certificates.

Learn more about planned giving and other ways to give at The Planned Giving Boot Camp.

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