Gifts of Real Estate

Due Dilligence Phase

Collage of houses water color rendering
  • Initially brainstorm with the Client about the nature of the assignment and overall goals
  • Consult with the donor of a real estate gift(s) as appropriate
  • Brainstorm about the conceptual framework of the gifting process and appropriate vehicle(s)
  • Conduct independent research on the property(ies)
  • Review public land records
  • Review tax assessment documents and data
  • Obtain online environmental assessment report
  • Identify 2-3 qualified home inspection firms
  • Engage a qualified home inspection firm to conduct necessary property inspections
  • Identify 2-3 qualified appraisal firms
  • Engage a qualified appraiser to complete appraisal
  • Conduct Phase I environmental review with report as appropriate
  • Obtain a preliminary title report to the property(ies)
  • Review market data online
  • Identify 3-4 prominent real estate brokerage firms in the market or region
  • Have preliminary calls with each real estate brokerage firm
  • Issue request for proposal to each real estate brokerage firm
  • After receipt of real estate proposals, conduct interviews with each real estate brokerage firm
  • Assimilate all information gathered and prepare an Executive Summary to the Client
  • The Executive Summary will provide the details of the property and market conditions
  • The Executive Summary will provide best estimate of sales value projected
  • The Executive Summary will present a recommendation for selection of real estate brokerage firm
  • Conduct conference call with the Client to decide on proceeding with gift acceptance, any conditions and establishing expectations
  • Secure gift acceptance approval from Client

Allen F. Thomas, JD, CAP
Thomas Charitable Advisors

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