How to Get What You Want: Your Way to Success

Have you ever encountered situations when you feel very strongly about how you believe a project should be planned, carried out, or completed? Have you felt annoyed that the others involved don’t see the situation the same way as you do? Check here, and get to know where good negotiation skills come in handy. Regardless of the career you’ve chosen, there will be times you’ll find negotiation necessary. Learning this critical skill will also improve your personal relationships. Review these tips for negotiating a situation to get the results you want:
  1. Know your material. Do not dwell on in-depth discussions about topics and situations that you’re not yet educated about. In advance of conversations or projects you know are coming, ensure that you understand the ins and outs of the situation at hand. Therefore, preparation is your friend in negotiation!
  2. Keep an open mind to what the other person has to say. We’ve all had the experience of rushing in and insisting on what we want, only to discover later that it’s actually quite similar to what the other person wants (we just didn’t know that because we weren’t listening).
  3. Find areas of agreement. With a little luck, you’ll only disagree on one or two minor points.  In addition, make a list of where you’re in concurrence and where you’re split. This will concretely illustrate how much negotiating will actually be necessary and how much you really do agree.
  4. Talk about the issue at hand first. Avoid trying to discuss solutions until you both see the problem similarly. Also, you’ve got to be on the same page about the issue before you can possibly be on the same page for the solution. 
  1. Keep your emotions out of it. Consider the situation as business. Be sure to remain objective and keep your cool at all times.
  1. Avoid intimidating behaviors and manipulative comments. If you fall back on these unsavory methods just to get your way, certainly you lose credibility with the person with whom you’re negotiating. Then they stop being willing to listen to you.
  1. Be honest and use integrity. If you misunderstand an element of the challenge or their proposed solution and suddenly realize it, say so. Keep your word and respect the other person.
  1. Ask for the other person’s ideas. Solicit suggestions from them on how to resolve the situation. Listen carefully, and be willing to implement some or all of what you hear.
  1. Remind yourself that you’re on the same side. After all, you both want to resolve the issue. If you focus on finding common threads, that will help.
  1. State your ideas for a solution. Make your case, too; tell them why you believe it’s the way to go. For example, you could say something like, “Rather than make in-person follow-up visits once per week to new customers, I think it’s a better idea to do them monthly and use the off-weeks to follow up by phone.” [To make your case in this example, you may follow up by saying, “This way, we’ve got time during the off-weeks to develop new customers. We’ll be widening our customer base while keeping contacts with customers we already have.”]
    1. Show flexibility. You’re two separate people with two separate sets of ideas and perspectives about the issue at hand. Avoid expecting to get your way 100%.
    In the end, learning to use effective negotiation skills will help you in accomplishing any goals you have that involve others. Skillfully listen, remain non-emotional, discover points of agreement, honestly state your ideas, and show flexibility when interfacing with others. Finally, get what you want by putting these excellent negotiation skills to work for you!

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