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Home » If You’re Going to Procrastinate, Be Productive While You Wait
Home » If You’re Going to Procrastinate, Be Productive While You Wait
The problem with procrastination is that people procrastinate ineffectively. An example is watching YouTube videos. There’s no reason to resort to watching YouTube videos when tons of projects are pending. Use the free time you’ve created via procrastination wisely. Get some worthwhile things accomplished! You’ll be creating additional free time that can be used later to do the task you should be doing right now.
Minimize the effects of procrastination by procrastinating wisely:
Everyone procrastinates, but not everyone procrastinates wisely. Ensure that the time you spend procrastinating doesn’t go to waste. Avoiding a task doesn’t have to equate to wasting your time. Use your time in the next, most effective manner. Take care of your other tasks while you’re waiting for your procrastination to end.
Time is your most valuable resource. Don’t waste it!
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