If You’re Going to Procrastinate, Be Productive While You Wait

The problem with procrastination is that people procrastinate ineffectively. An example is watching YouTube videos. There’s no reason to resort to watching YouTube videos when tons of projects are pending. Use the free time you’ve created via procrastination wisely. Get some worthwhile things accomplished! You’ll be creating additional free time that can be used later to do the task you should be doing right now.

Minimize the effects of procrastination by procrastinating wisely:

  1. Do a little housekeeping.
    Not quite in the mood to get to your real work? That’s fine. Vacuum the floor. Scrub the toilet. Take out the garbage. Wash the dishes. Mow the grass. Mop the floor. Spruce up the place.
  2. Answer important emails.
    Address your overflowing inbox and put a dent in it. Avoid purely social emails and take care of the most important ones first.
  3. Schedule your future.
    Do you need to make a doctor’s appointment, set a meeting for next week, or make plans to rotate your tires? The middle of a procrastination session is the perfect time to address these issues.
  4. Check up on a friend or your parents.
    They probably complain that you don’t call enough. Stop playing that game on your phone and use it to make an actual phone call. Your friends and family will be happy to hear from you.
  5. Make important phone calls.
    These seem to go hand-in-hand with important emails. They pile up quickly and are rarely enjoyable to deal with. However, they seem more interesting when you’re procrastinating.
  6. Run an errand.
    Hop in the car and pick up your dry cleaning. Buy your mom’s birthday present, even if it’s not for three months. Drop off your overdue books at the library and run before they inform you that you have a fine to pay.
  7. Go out for a jog!
    Going for a jog might seem like torture, but it actually sounds a little fun compared to working on a PowerPoint presentation. Exercise is a great way to avoid feeling guilty while you procrastinate.
  8. Go see human resources.
    Check on your beneficiaries. Perhaps you need to boost your life insurance. Maybe you need to reallocate your 401(k). It’s been over a year.
  9. Do some networking.
    You know that networking is important to your career and your social life. Everyone should spend some time each week networking. Now might be the right time to reach out to someone.
  10. Rest a little.
    Your mind and body require rest. A little nap now will give you more energy later that you can put to good use. You could also use the time to meditate, read, or listen to music.
  11. Pay bills.
    Sit down at your computer and make those payments on time for a change.
  12. Clear your computer from clutter.
    Does your computer desktop have any free space, or is it covered with icons and shortcuts? Have you defragged your hard drive lately? Deleted your spam email? Do you need to delete obsolete files? 
  • Clean up your computer. All that mess is causing stress. Notice how much better you feel when you’re done.


Everyone procrastinates, but not everyone procrastinates wisely. Ensure that the time you spend procrastinating doesn’t go to waste. Avoiding a task doesn’t have to equate to wasting your time. Use your time in the next, most effective manner. Take care of your other tasks while you’re waiting for your procrastination to end.

Time is your most valuable resource. Don’t waste it!

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