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Negotiate Like a PRO …And Get What You Want More Often

Negotiating with a peer worker

As fundraisers, we all negotiate regularly with staff, our boss, and even donors and prospects. Did you know that the fundamental rules of every negotiation are the same? These interactions are all about finding a compromise among parties with different interests and objectives.

Negotiation skills have never been more relevant. You’re strategizing and cooperating on a regular basis with your boss, friends, family members, neighbors and strangers. Enhancing your communication skills allows you to find solutions that work for all involved parties, which in turn enhances personal growth and eventually leads to career advancement.

Ask These Questions to Improve Your Negotiation Skills

These questions will help you gain a perspective of your current negotiation skills (see our negotiation skills library) and determine how you can strengthen them.

  1. When do I negotiate in my life? Make a list of the negotiations you participate in each week.
  2. Have I left past negotiations feeling bitter? What outcome would have left both parties feeling better about the process?
  3. What three actions can I take today to enhance my rapport skills?
  4. What can I do to counteract someone that is negotiating aggressively?
  5. What are the pitfalls of positional negotiating? Do I have a tendency toward this type of interaction? How can I bargain differently?
  6. How would my life improve if my rapport and negotiating skills were greatly enhanced?
  7. What mistakes have I made in the past when negotiating? What can I learn from these mistakes?

Learn how to become a nonprofit leader in order to strengthen such skills.

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In addition to asking yourself the questions above, remember that a good negotiator is also a good listener. In order to effectively bargain with another individual, you must first understand where they are coming from and what they are trying to achieve. Ask skillful questions and actively listen to the responses. This sends a positive message and helps build trust and rapport.

Strengthening your negotiation skills will open up possibilities in your personal and professional life. Evaluate your own ability to negotiate and start getting what you want more often.

Hands-on, in-the-trenches experience designed to equip you with strategies and skills for success. Choose the one that fits your goals—or take both for maximum results. It’s intense, effective, and built for leaders like you.


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