Nonprofit Leadership Academy


Learn the Secrets to Being a Great Non-Profit Leader

Receive access to Systemize Your Fundraising with purchase of this course.

Expand your programs, raise more money, motivate your team, and have a greater impact, without driving yourself to exhaustion. Join us to learn how.


Being a Nonprofit Leader is Tough

Whether you’re an executive director, program manager, development director, board member, or any other type of leader, chances are you’re being pulled in a million directions.  Every day, it seems like there’s more to do than there are hours in the day.

The thing is… your non-profit is doing great work!  That’s why you push yourself so hard… you believe in the mission, and you want to help as many people as possible.  That’s why you want to raise more money, build more programs, hire more staff, and serve more people!

But where do you find the time, money, and resources?  And how do escape the treadmill of never feeling like you have the bandwidth to grow your non-profit?

Thankfully, there’s a better way! 

I know that within the next six months you can supercharge your non-profit… growing your programs, fundraising, and people-power like never before.

Here’s Why I Can Make You that Promise…

My name is Joe Garecht, and I have been exactly where you are today. Over the past twenty years I’ve served as an Executive Director, Development Director, board member and consultant to hundreds of non-profits.

I know how hard it can be to be a non-profit leader.

Many years ago as a first-time Executive Director, I sought out the best resources I could find on how to be a great leader. I read, studied, talked to the best leaders in the industry… and put what I learned into practice.

Joe Garecht With Client

I created my very own leadership system… one that helped me double the size of our non-profit in just two short years. We raised more money, built stronger programs, and helped more people, all by implementing this system.

Over the past decade, I’ve taught my leadership system to hundreds of non-profit leaders. I’ve shown them how they can get off the treadmill and build stronger programs, raise more money, find the right people and resources, and build thriving non-profits.

Now, I want to share what I’ve learned with you…

Join Me to Learn How to Be an Amazing Leader for Your Non-Profit

If you want to learn how to become a transformational leader at your non-profit… if you want your organization to grow and thrive… then I invite you to join me for our brand new class:

The Non-Profit Leadership Academy

This class is designed for non-profit leaders at all levels, including:

  • Executive Directors & Vice Presidents
  • Development Directors & Program Directors
  • ​Human Resources, Technology, Marketing, and Other Non-Profit Directors
  • Board Members
  • ​Consultants
  • ​And anyone else who is or wants to become a non-profit leader

And best of all, you can implement everything you learn in The Non-Profit Leadership Academy using your existing resources… this class is geared for leaders working at small and mid-sized organizations, meaning you won’t need to invest lots of money or time into implementing these strategies.

Most non-profits are spinning their wheels, wasting time and money on strategies that simply don’t work. Join us for this brand new course to learn how to grow your non-profit’s impact like never before!

The Non-Profit Leadership Academy Includes Everything You Need to Lead Your Organization’s Growth

The Non-Profit Leadership Academy is a complete online fundraising training program that includes 4 webinar modules. The class runs completely online, and all materials will be delivered electronically.

Here are the modules you’ll be receiving:

Module #1: Becoming a Transformational Leader for Your Non-Profit

In this webinar you’ll learn:
  • How to think big and cast a big vision for your non-profit (or your department) that gets people excited and engaged in your work
  • The best ways to motivate your team (staff and/or volunteers) and keep them on track to meet your non-profit’s goals
  • Understanding your role as a non-profit leader
  • How to escape the day-to-day treadmill and find the time to grow your organization or department

Module #2: Supercharged Non-Profit Planning

In this webinar you’ll learn:
  • How to master the non-profit planning process so you can create quick and effective plans for your organization or department
  • A step-by-step process for creating any type of non-profit plan, including strategic plans, fundraising plans, program plans, and more
  • How to think strategically and get maximum return on investment for your non-profit activities
  • Figuring out the best technology options to help your non-profit succeed

Module #3: How to Build an Amazing Non-Profit Board

In this webinar you’ll learn:
  • How to find great board members for your non-profit
  • Understand the proper roles of board members
  • Tips and strategies for getting your board members more involved in fundraising
  • How to run better board and committee meetings and get more done with help from your board

Module #4: How to Resource Your Mission

In this webinar you’ll learn:
  • How to build a better fundraising program for your non-profit
  • Great ways to find and recruit the best staff for your organization
  • How to develop an amazing volunteer program for your non-profit
  • A simple strategy for avoiding high turnover and burnout on your staff and board

Don’t miss out! This class contains everything you need to become the exact leader your non-profit needs at this unique time…

Joe Garecht brings a principled and effective approach to non-profit leadership.

John Hawkins, Leadership Edge


Act Now and Get These Incredible Bonuses

When you register for The Non-Profit Leadership Academy, you’ll also get these incredible bonuses to help you shortcut the process and build a successful leadership strategy for your non-profit:

How to Systemize Your Nonprofit
Bonus #1:

How to Systemize Your Non-Profit

The secret to being able to do more with less at your non-profit is systemization… creating systems behind everything you do, from fundraising to programs, administration to management. In this webinar, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for creating great systems at your non-profit, without any stress or hassle.

Leadership Templates
Bonus #2:

Non-Profit Leadership Tools and Templates (PDF)

This exclusive guidebook is chock full of samples, templates, and checklists to help you become a better leader for your non-profit. Includes sample strategic plans, fundraising plans, job descriptions, systems templates, board expectations, and more! Use them as is or edit them for your non-profit.

Our 100% No Questions Asked Guarantee

When you register today, you get lifetime access to the class.  You can go at your own pace, and there are no tests!  You don’t have to be in front of your computer at any set time.  Instead, you’ll get access to all of the recordings and materials so you can learn when and where you want, from the comfort of your own home or officedules you’ll be receiving:

Get Lifetime Access to the Leadership Academy!

When you register today, you get lifetime access to the class. You can go at your own pace, and there are no tests! You don’t have to be in front of your computer at any set time. Instead, you’ll get access to all of the recordings and materials so you can learn when and where you want, from the comfort of your own home or office

Here’s Everything You Get Today…

  • The Non-Profit Leadership Academy Class ($597 Value)
  • Bonus #1: How to Systemize Your Non-Profit Webinar ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Non-Profit Leadership Tools and Templates ($297 Value)

The total value of everything that’s included in The Non-Profit Leadership Academy is $1,091. But we’ve got a special deal for you…

A Special Offer Just for You!

I want you… and your non-profit… to succeed. That’s why I want to make sure that as many non-profit leaders as possible can participate in this incredible class.

The total value of everything included in The Non-Profit Leadership Academy is $1,091. But because I want as many non-profits as possible to be able to participate, we decided to offer this class for the incredibly discounted price of just $297. That includes all 4 modules and 2 bonus items!

Best of all, as soon as you place your order, you’ll get immediate access to everything listed above – there’s no waiting… you can start reviewing the modules right away!

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