The Art of Organization: 7 Time Saving Tips

Can you imagine a life that is not organized?  Did you know that organization is more important in your life than you may imagine? Organization is so difficult for some people that they feel as if they’re just meant to be unorganized. However, the truth is that none of us are meant to be unorganized!

We’re a species that functions better when we have structure in our lives. We live in utter chaos without structure.

All is not lost, though, if you have trouble organizing things! Organizing only one aspect of your life helps you to begin on the rest of it. This nice chain reaction helps things fall into place the way they should.

Time Saving Tips to Organize Your Life 

The worst part about organizing your life is that it seems like it can take so much time. That’s one reason why so many people refuse to find an organization strategy. They feel like it will take too much time out of their day.

However, it doesn’t have to take much time at all! The strategy is to work it into your life in ways that don’t take so much time. Once your strategy is in place, it can actually save you time.

Here are some time saving tips to help you get organized:

  1. Pace yourself. You don’t have to do everything all at once. Take care of one thing at a time.
  • A lot of unorganized people have clothes lying across the floor and shoes in strange places. You could contain such a mess by picking those things up as you pass by them. Don’t wait to do it all at once; otherwise it may never get done. 
  1. Set achievable goals. Make a plan to do only certain chores each day so that an entire day isn’t taken up by trying to do it all.
  • For example, set the goal of cleaning off your computer desk one day. That’s a task that may take only ten minutes. That’s a whole lot more manageable than resolving to clean your entire house in an afternoon!
  1. Invest in some functional storage containers. There are also some nice storage boxes that are decorative, too. Fill them as needed and when convenient.
  • Keep a storage box handy in your closet. As you find things you don’t use or wear anymore, put them into the box. Before you know it, your closet will be cleaned out!
  1. Make a game out of it. Get the whole family in on it. This will save a lot of time if everyone pitches in.
  • Tell the kids if they help that you can have a special pizza night. You will save a lot of time and will get your home organized quickly.  You can then present them with a reward after everything’s done!  A treat in a pizza house, an ice cream in an ice cream parlor, or view their favorite movies.
  1. Change habits. Changing some of your habits can make things easier for you.
  • Instead of waiting for days to wash those dirty dishes, pick a time at the end of the day to wash them or do it in the mornings. That will save you time because it only takes a few minutes to wash a few dishes, instead of a heaping pile.
  1. Make the entire family responsible. Give everyone in the house responsibilities so that things can become organized and stay that way.
  • Put up a chart on the refrigerator or on a wall that outlines the weekly responsibilities and who’s supposed to do each chore. It’s not your responsibility to clean your child’s room, make sure they take ownership of their own tasks.
  1. Use racks and shelves. Make a place for everything so that everything has its own place.
  • Use a spice rack for your spices.
  • Invest in shoe organizers for the closets.
  • Hang stuffed animal hammocks in the kids’ bedrooms.

The Importance of Organization 

The importance of organization cannot be underestimated.  It carries over into other aspects of your life. Without it, it’s hard to see clearly what’s going on around you.

You can better point out the solution when your life is organized. You can also feel better about yourself and your environment. Plus, you’ll be able to find more time to do things you actually enjoy.

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